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Monday, January 30, 2012

Died Off the Face of the Planet?

So, as you guys may or may not have noticed I haven't been on for a while... Hehehe... It's not for no reason though, I swear. I've just been busy with school, and lately I haven't been that into writing either. But a couple of days ago, I started this new story that I'm actually really proud of, and I hope I finish it because I have a lot of support from my friends, although they have only read a couple paragraphs, they say it's really good.

I'll still try to write other stories to keep those of you who are actually still subscribed to me entertained, but just know that they might only come once every week or two.

To those of you who have stayed with me, I thank you for your loyalty and I hope everyone's had an awesome start to 2012! ^.^


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Editors Note

Today, I am here to announce that my blog is being shut down. But don’t be too sad, because I’m not quitting forever. So, let me explain. I’ve decided that I don’t really like my “blog” because it’s slightly boring. To make up for it, I’ve created a Tumblr. I’m pretty sure most of you have heard of Tumblr, but if you don’t know what it is, I’m not really sure how to explain it to you. The best way for you guys to figure it out is making one for yourself and checking out mine, which I’ll have the link for right here: http://iangelxforever.tumblr.com/ I’m going to be posting my stories there, and I’ll even get pictures up too because for those of you who don’t know, I mainly stopped blogging because I made a deviantART and I’d been posting pictures there, to get out the more photography type person in me. But with Tumblr, I can now have an even balance of writing and picture posting, so it’s all good ^.^ I really do hope that you guys will check it out, and I’ll hopefully have the pleasure of entertaining you on Tumblr.
~ Angel [:

Thursday, September 15, 2011


So, why haven’t I been writing? Well, I started school, and generally, I just don’t have time or ideas. But I came up with a new idea today for an interesting story. I won’t tell you too much about it, but it will be a series and it’ll come out in parts, how long the parts are, well I don’t know. I may create a new blog just for it, depending on how much I write and whether or not I think it is new blog worthy. Other than that, I’ve just been plain lazy, but I got this update up for you guys. Does that count for any brownie points..? Anyways, sorry to say that’s all I have for you today, but please do keep posted for more! 

Friday, August 5, 2011


It's that beautiful time of month again... Oh no. Not that! You sickos. I meant it's the time where I have posted another story :D Well, it's not actually a story, it's just a poem-ish type thing... Anyways. I got this up for you guys while I worked on my other story. No, it's nothing amazing, just something I'm having a lot of issues with writing :P After this, I'm gonna make more and more stories and maybe even write a part two to that Unimoose thing I started way back when I first opened my blog. Speaking of which, since then I have gotten so far with my blog and I would just like to thank everyone who's following and reading, and just being really dedicated. I appreciate it so much. I know that most of my readers are people on Gaia that I've managed to scrape off the forums [; Thanks to all of you, and my friends who read too [: I feel too formal right now... Well, since you all know that I'm just a huge procrastinator and like to drag things on, please follow and read my other blog to keep you all entertained. I know I've mentioned it before, but this is just a recap for those who are newer to my blog. You can go to my profile, it's in the description for one of my other stories, but I know you're all lazy so I'm just gonna give you a link [; http://foreverxxangel-angelreview.blogspot.com/ Once again, thanks so much for reading and please enjoy this and many other ramblings on my other blog, while I try to get some more stuff up for you [: 

Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on me
Fool me thrice?
That will never be.

I watched the ember dance along my fingertips and engulf you in a swarm,
Your helpless screams rang in my ears.
You begged for mercy, begged for me
I’ve become your biggest fear.

Don’t run, don’t hide
I want you back.
But not the way you think,
No, it’s nothing like that.

Left or right,
Up or down.
This is the last time
You’ll ever make me frown.

You are the puppet,
I am your master.
Can you feel it my dear?
Your heart beating faster?

Breathless you lay,
Like a pathetic little toy.
I wonder how you did this,
Just you; a little boy.

You tore down my walls,
You infiltrated my forces.
I fought back with weapons,
And rampaging horses.

I built up more fences,
That you tried to jump.
Now my name’s caught in your throat,
Like an uncomfortable lump.

I watched you suffer, I watched you struggle,
I never once felt repent.
I trusted you to be my guardian angel,
But your plans were never that innocent. 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Pink Tulip

Yay! I finally got a story up! *Bows for the applause.* I know, it's been a while :P But I finally got around to it, well actually, I would've gotten around to it a long time ago, I just didn't have any inspiration. Now, originally I was going to put up a story that had a slight summer-y theme, but this came to me instead. I'll still write the other one, but this one's just coming up first. I think it's the most romantic/mushy story I've ever written. Like ever. Seriously, there's even a happy ending. What's wrong with me O: Ahaha. Anyways, this could be a bit confusing for some people. If you don't get it, well I guess I could explain it to you... Or just read it over and over, I'm sure you'll get it eventually if you do that. Yeah... Well, I know I've been procrastinating like a lot and I haven't been very consistent... But please don't give up on me! [: I'm still a work in progress c(; Alright, that's enough from me (hope I didn't forget anything...) Please enjoy the story [: Thank you so much, as always for reading my noob-ish stories. I love you all :D ~ Angel

Where did you go...? I sighed, I was thinking about him again. No, not just any “him”. He was my best friend, the only one who cared for me in this messed up world. Why did cancer have to take him from me? He was all I had after I lost my family, the only one who understood it would never be “okay” and knew that I couldn’t “get over it” like everyone else wanted me to. I want you back…
            Shaking away the tears, I got up from the bench. What am I even doing here? This place only brought back memories of him. That time when we were both eight and he taught me how to ride a bike. Or that other time when we were ten and decided to run through the sprinklers at night. We were inseparable, up until now. It’s been two years since you left me, and I’m doing fine.
            Being sixteen with no friends wasn’t exactly the best feeling in the world. But before now, all I needed was him. I guess I didn’t know what I had ‘til it left me. How are you doing? I hoped that he was in a better place. He had such a loving family and a bright future ahead of him, why does this happen to such nice people?
            Walking, I saw that beautiful pink tulips had bloomed. I still remember the first time we met, when we were only five. He was the only one who even tried talking to me after I moved into this town to live with my grandparents. “Here’s something almost as beautiful as you.” He handed me a single pink tulip with a big goofy grin on his five year old face, big brown eyes sparkling.
I traced the path which we frequently traveled, and stopped to sit down at the fountain. Remember when we were six and we decided to “take a bath” in here Kenny? I ran my fingers along the soft stone. Kenny told me that if you threw a coin into a fountain and made a wish, your wish would come true. I only have one wish, and that’s to be with you.
            Reaching deep into my pocket, I managed to pull out a penny. I tossed it in and watched it glide gracefully through the air, before landing with a gentle plop, sinking to the bottom of the fountain. I want to be with you again Kenny. That was my only wish.
            I stood there for several minutes, just staring into the water. I’m stupid; of course it won’t come true. Tears sprung to my eyes. I quickly wiped them away before turning to leave, hanging my head.
            Before I knew what was happening, I was spiraling towards the ground. That is, before I was caught in a pair of strong hands.
            “You know,” a voice whispered as he helped me steady myself. “I can’t stand to see girls as beautiful as you cry.” I blinked, several times. Am I dreaming? I was staring into the most beautiful pair of shimmering brown eyes.
            With one hand, he brushed the hair away from my eyes, and with the other, he handed me a single pink tulip.

Monday, July 25, 2011


Sorry, I know I haven’t posted a story in a while, but I’m working on a story (well more like procrastinating a story…) and it’s going to come out this week. I promise you, I will have a story up soon. But in the time being, check out my other blog (in my profile or if you want to go hunting for it in a former post). Again, I’m super sorry I haven’t gotten any new material up (I’m also thinking about continuing that Unimoose thing, if I haven’t already deleted it that is…). Thank you for noticing this notice, sorry for letting some of you guys down :P I love you all for supporting my blog, and please just stay tuned. I will have something up for you in no time [: ~ Angel

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Best of Us

Alright, as you can see, I've done some modifying to the blog. It's a bit bright and distracting, but you'll get used to it. I for one find it beautiful. One thing I've always wondered is whether or not you guys think these things actually happen to me. Well, they don't. I don't write any of these stories from experience, because this stuff is pretty crazy and it might happen to a few unfortunate souls, but never to me. Hope we have that cleared up now. Anyways, here's another story for you. This one doesn't explain a lot of things and there isn't much detail on the characters, so just use your imagination to think up what's happening. Think of this as one of those descriptions you could find on the back of a novel. Well, hope you guys enjoy this story I have for you. If any of you don't like my writing and have any suggestions, feel free to comment of inbox me or something, I'm such a noob at writing stories and I would really love to know what you guys think. Thanks [: ~ Angel

            My feet hit the pavement in sync with my heartbeats. What a mess I had gotten myself into, a mess that would take quite some time and effort cleaning up. I couldn’t worry about that right now though; the police were after me, guns and dogs at their disposal. Navigating my way through alleys, I finally found the warehouse Nikki had told us to meet at. Just a few more steps, then I would be there.
            A shot, that’s all it took for me to go stumbling to the ground. I couldn’t feel anything, where had it hit? It didn’t, the bullet only grazed my ankle, causing a deep crimson to seep through my sock and drench my foot. I would have to keep going; I couldn’t let a little injury stop me. But that’s not what the police wanted at all, the bullet wasn’t supposed to stop me, only get me down long enough for them to catch up. I cursed my foolishness; I shouldn’t have fallen for it.
            “Halt!” A firm grip landed on my shoulder, I instinctively jerked away which only caused several more hands to confine me in their clutches. There was a light in the warehouse window, a shadow stood hidden by the curtains. Nikki, she was watching me, watching my failure. I had failed, the only thing I was supposed to do was to not get caught, but here I was being shackled down and dragged to their cars.
            “We’ve stopped the search Sargent.” A scratchy voice came through a walkie-talkie.
            “Great job team!” hooted their leader. They think that they’ve won, that I’m the culprit they’ve been trying so hard to catch. How sadly mistaken they are.

             A frenzy of bullets rained down on us, taking down every single man, including the one I was chained to. He leaped down from a nearby tree, guns in hand.
            “Took you long enough,” I mumbled as he unlocked me from the metallic grip of cuffs.
           “Sorry sunshine,” he grinned. “I didn’t think that I’d have to come save your sorry butt from these cops, how many times has it been now? Three times in the past five days I recall.” There was a mocking edge in his voice that made me grit me teeth and cast him an evil glare. He knew I hated it when he teased me. His face suddenly turned serious. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
            He took my hand as we began sprinting towards the warehouse, handing me a gun “just in case”. I rolled my eyes; big brothers were such a nuisance.
            I looked back at the bloody scene we just left. Those cops never saw it coming, never knew that we had backup plans. Though we may just be “little kids”, they never should’ve underestimated us. Now look at them; a bloody mesh of limbs sprawled out over the park floor.
            “Sargent! What where those shots?” came a panicked voice from one of the talkies.
            No, they never saw it coming. But this could’ve happened to anyone, stuff like this gets even the best of us.